Scottsdale's Premiere Provider of Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Opening Hours : Currently Not Accepting New Appointments


How will I feel after a treatment?

Q: How will I feel after a treatment? A: Many things could happen – your mind may feel clearly, some joints might “adjust” themselves due to the reduction in fluid there, a temporary increase in urination and bowel movements as your body detoxifies, and even a deep and more restful sleep. I could go on, […]

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Plastic surgery patients!

Plastic surgery patients! Post-operative recovery goes smoothly if you follow instructions. Often, doctors recommend lymphatic drainage massage to reduce swelling after a procedure. Come see us to feel and look better faster.

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Poor circulation can happen with age

Poor circulation can happen with age, because of an inactive lifestyle, diabetes, obesity, smoking…or for other reasons. Lymphatic enhancement therapy can improve circulation and help you tackle these symptoms. Start feeling better today. Book online at

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