Scottsdale's Premiere Provider of Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Opening Hours : Currently Not Accepting New Appointments

All Posts in Category: Energy Healing for Children

How will I feel after a treatment?

Q: How will I feel after a treatment? A: Many things could happen – your mind may feel clearly, some joints might “adjust” themselves due to the reduction in fluid there, a temporary increase in urination and bowel movements as your body detoxifies, and even a deep and more restful sleep. I could go on, […]

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Plastic surgery patients!

Plastic surgery patients! Post-operative recovery goes smoothly if you follow instructions. Often, doctors recommend lymphatic drainage massage to reduce swelling after a procedure. Come see us to feel and look better faster.

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Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain. It’s got a life of its own, controlling your physical and mental wellbeing. Lymphatic drainage massage is a natural way to feel better. Stimulating lymph flow decreases swelling, slows the progression of some diseases, and rids your body of toxins. Give us a try.

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